Fireplaces, which are customary to be called ready, are distinguished by a very rich choice of model range. Such aggregates can be represented in various types, for example, for mounting in the corner of the room, for an extension to the wall or just envelope angle.

In addition, there are ready-made fireplaces that are equipped with a cross-type furnace and even suspended products.

But what are these products? First of all, the design consists of a firebox, smoke removal fixtures, air circulation fixtures.

Appearance forms cladding. You can meet grouped solutions when the facing surface massages or hides in itself a device for a certain air supply.

Before the acquisition of finished type designs, it is necessary to accurately decide on the choice. For example, it is worth considering the firebox solution - will it be open or closed?

This is due to the fact that when purchasing an open furnace, the place where the fuel is burned, has a peculiar constructive solution, but, in any case, the flame itself is not separated from the room.

The closed firebox is represented by a certain camera made of cast iron or steel, one of the walls of which forms a door that is supplemented with heat-resistant glass.

Glass can take the most diverse form, which depends on the overall design of the entire product. The closed door can rise, transforming a fireplace into open. It should be noted that units with a closed furnace can have a number of advantages.

First, it is reliable. In the closed firebox, the spark or coal in the surrounding space is completely excluded.

Secondly, efficiency. Compared with open-type fireplaces, the useful effect of closed floors is higher than sixty percent.

Third, adjustability. You can change the power of combustion of the furnace with the help of varying degrees of opening the door.

In addition, this constructive solution is characterized by hygiene, which is due to the special air supply. Fuel, therefore, completely and without the residue burns, the ash hits the ash bar. The roller himself can be easily dismantled and clean in a convenient place.

As a material for facing for finished fireplaces, as a rule, a wide range of stone tiles in various colors, type and texture is used. Most often you can meet granite or marble tiles, as well as sandstone in the entire color palette manifold. kamagra 24