The purpose of these missions is to eliminate competitors in business, thanks to which you can buy shops later in the game. In stores you can buy objects, and with them as intermediaries you can trade. They also bring slow but stable income. The number of stores belonging to you does not affect the prices and availability of goods in this store.

In New Orleans, there are 6 missions and one in Bayu.

Traders M. Rael

Full synchronization: the goal dies from your hand

Stand up for an angle so that you are not noticed
So that the enemy died from someone else's hand, use the berserk dart. It will be even easier to fulfill this mission if you wear a lady's outfit and will use a tube hidden in an umbrella.

Ships M. Salo
Full synchronization: Stay unnoticed Complete the mission as a lady.

Kill guards to rob the body
Follow the target and do not lose it. It will be accompanied by two bodyguards. You can use Berserk Dart or Poison Dart using Umbrella.

Baipass M. Reino (Bayou)
Full synchronization: do not get damage.

Jumping over the trees, you can cope with all at a distance
This call to Bayu. Go to the green zone. At the beginning of the bridge, you will notice the goal and its bodyguards. Do not get damage, and you will get complete synchronization.

Harbor M. de Vandala

Full synchronization: kill the goal with the help of a hidden blade.

Make it fast on board the ship
Get to the ship for 1:30 minutes and start with the murder of three guards.

Do not leave the combat zone
Reinforcements will come - remember the effectiveness of Chain Kill. In addition, try to hide behind other enemies in the event of a shelling. What is good against the enemies is the smoke grenade. Then eliminate the target. If you use a hidden blade, you will get complete synchronization. The easiest way to do it is to crash into a goal or attack with a jump.

Materials M. Markartel
Full synchronization: stay unnoticed, charm target.

While dressed as a lady, the charm of another person
For complete synchronization, you need to use a lady's outfit. Go to the residence and use your spells per person. Then take it in privacy and kill it.

M. Chapperon Textiles
Full synchronization: Complete this mission for 2 minutes, stay unnoticed.

Get rid of the guards to search the corpse
The goal goes around the green zone with two bodyguards. You can use Blowpipe to eliminate the goal and subsequently get rid of bodyguards.

Difference signs (1/2) - From the second floor, find the passage marked by light blue paint. Come to him and pick up the roof of the silo, where you can destroy the group of enemies and a cry. Differences can be found on the building wall, to the right of the door you have to explode. Intuitiver Lebenslauf-Generator .